What is Digital Marketing: Everything You Need to Know
What is Digital Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

What is Digital Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

In today’s world where digitalisation is skyrocketing digital marketing is essential for a company’s growth. Companies use various websites, applications, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other digital means for better promotion, an increased customer reach, increased sales, and a better publicity of the company. 

Even digital marketing which is trending and is a basic need, which is also the same as the old traditional marketing. For the better reach of customers and to understand the customer behaviour a combination of traditional and digital marketing is used by the companies also including the use of products and services through channels like website, mobile, and social media for better sales of their products. 

Working of digital marketing:

The major working of digital marketing is to promote a company’s products and services as well as uplifting the company’s image and publicity through various modern and traditional channels. For that a wide range of techniques and media companies  are used for reaching potential customers and providing services to target customers. Companies focus on marketing traditionally through prints, television, and radio. This was considered to be the old or traditional method of marketing which is considered to be less effective now. 

Email was considered as an asset to early digital marketing, through emails a lot of promotion of product and services of a company was being done which helped a lot.

After emails search engines for marketing were introduced such as Netscape where companies used to tag their product and services for a better approach to customers. 

After the introduction of Facebook (social media platforms) promotion became a lot easier as because of digitalisation, potential customers were attracted because of the ads and how attractive and eye-catching a company designs its social media ads. After that the use of smartphones is in the trend which has uplifted the promotion of a company’s product and services. 

Considering all the modern and traditional marketing tools a company has to rely on them because without sales promotion or marketing a company won’t reach its potential customers or target audience and couldn’t get an increased sales. 

Types of digital marketing:

type of digital marketing
type of digital marketing
  1. Website marketing:

In website marketing, a company has to design its website in such a way that it is attractive, easily accessible, user friendly, including all the services and products provided. This helps the customer to reach for their desired products easily and could access whatever they want from the particular site. 

The website must be prominent so that the customer must visit it and encourage others to visit as well.  

  1. Pay Per Click (PPC):

In this Pay Per Click the website is designed in such a way that it can earn for every click or whenever a customer visits the website. The kind of ads are shown on facebook or other social media platforms including emails. These ads are attractive and eye -catching for customers, manipulating them to at least visit once.

  1. Email marketing:

In email marketing a lot of mails including offers, sales, and other discounts for the the customers so that they could know about the company and could reach out for its products and services if they want. People consider these kinds of mails as spam mails and put them in spam folder.  

  1. Content marketing:

In content marketing a company hires a potential source for its marketing through written content this can also be an outsourcing process. People reading blogs and looking over different online news platforms  come under the target audience of these content marketing. This helps in an increase in the company’s profile and in a better approach of customers.

  1. Affiliate marketing:

It is also considered to be the oldest form of marketing, where a company hires individuals for promotion and marketing from papers, television, and radio. On digitalization of affiliate marketing here the hired individuals promote the company’s profile by different digitalisation platforms like social media. In this social media influencers are also hired for marketing.

  1. Video marketing:

In video marketing videos of products and services to attract as many customers to get an increase in marketing and sales of products and services. In video marketing social media influencers are also hired for promotion. This increases awareness of the product among the customers and increase a chance to get more sales. 

  1. Text marketing:

In text marketing different texts are sent to registered as well as the new customers to give them a heads up about new products, sales, and services. This also gives an increase in the sales and promotion.

  1. Social-media marketing:

This is considered to be the most effective form of marketing which helps in building brand awareness, making more and more people getting attracted towards the company. Social-media marketing is considered as the direct marketing of sales channel. In social media marketing different marketing methods are used like content marketing, video marketing, affiliate marketing to reach more and more customers and to promote sales and marketing of company’s products and services. 

Key performance indicators in digital marketing:

In this a company’s growth and performance is tracked after all the promotion through different digital marketing methods.

  1. Click through rate:

In this it is tracked how the PPM(pay per click) marketing has performed, how many customers have reached through that method and how much profit the company has earned through that. 

  1. Conversation rate:

In this category it is tracked how many customers have reached through calls and follow ups done by the company, having a record of the company’s sales and customer reach.

  1. Social media traffic: 

Through this method the customer traffic through social media is tracked, by this method a huge customer reach to the company and by this method the sales and marketing impact on customers is being tracked.

  1. Website traffic:

Using this method it is recorded and checked that how many customers have reached the company and how the reach of the customers have affected the reach of customers and how it affects the sales and marketing of products.


On consideration of the use of digital marketing by a company, it has shown proven results in sales, marketing and public awareness about the company. This method is used by various companies of various fields to promote themselves and get a better customer reach and increased sales. To acquire more profits and customer awareness digital marketing is essential.

Author Details: 

This is Anil, I am a professional SEO Expert & Write for us technology blog and submit a guest post on different platforms- technootech provides a good opportunity for content writers to submit guest posts on our website. We frequently highlight and tend to showcase guests.

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