Larimar Jewelry: Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties
Larimar Jewelry: Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties

Larimar Jewelry: Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties

About Larimar:

Larimar is a beautiful stone which is considered to be a calming stone and also portrays the deep blue effects of the clear blue boundless ocean. It was also entitled with ‘The Bluest Stone’ by The NewYork Times. Due to its crystal clear blue colour the larimar shows a magnificent effect of the golden sun rays when they are taken under sparkling water. On a closer look this stone tempt. You into its beautiful patterns. The stone is eye-catching and fascinating and is being used to develop beautiful jewellery. According to geological studies this precious stone comes from the silicate mineral family, and if we talk about where it comes from, it belongs to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean, which is also the reason for its rarity and value. 

Ever thought how Larimar got its name, it was given after the daughter of the founder of the stone “Larissa”, and combining it with “Mar”, which in spanish means sea, as it had those beautiful patterns on it. This is how it got its name “Larimar”. 

Appearance of Larimar:

In spite of the fact that on the basis of its appearance the larimar stone appears to be cool and calm but consideration of how it is actually made will leave you stunned, it is obtained from the hottest natural resource on earth that is the volcanic mountains present in the Dominican Republic. 

It is a wonderful stone or gem with a glossy finish representing the deep sea effect on its surface, it is just hard enough to make jewelry but so delicate that it can break if not taken care of, a perfect balance. It kind of gives the experience of holding a magnificent piece of ocean in your hand  which never dries, remains intact always giving the effect of beautiful waves of the ocean making it rarer than other gemstones increasing its worth more than other stones. The Larimar is miraculously beautiful and transfers its healing powers to the wearer when the person wears it with contact with the skin.

Formation and extraction of the miraculous stone Larimar:

The gasses present underneath the surface of the earth deep down to its core, when these compressed gasses push away the crystallized minerals which then burst out through the openings on the volcanic mountains. In consideration of the term ‘burst out’ it doesn’t mean that the stones are dispersed around the massive volcanic mountain, actually they are pushed up till the volcanic tubes which are much above the core.  

After that the miners mine inside these tubes to get these gemstones for desired purposes. Unlike diamonds and gold which are found nearly on every continent, larimar is much more exclusive and could only be found on a single place on which is the Dominican republic. On this conclusion Larimar is considered to be rare more than a pirate’s treasure. 

Larimar has another name that is the dolphin stone as it represents the beautiful wavy ocean in which dolphins love to leap in. The value of this stone increases according to its colour, the deeper colour is the more its value increases. 

Family of Larimar(Geology): 

Larimar is considered to be a variety of pectolite (pectolite consists of crystals that are enlarged and trample, but mostly it is seen with sprays or radially fibrous masses. It is a whitish or grayish monoclinic mineral which consists of a basic sodium silicate and is found to be in the form of cluster or fibrous masses),  but being different from the other pectolites, Larimar is neither white or grey instead it is complied with its intense deep blue colouration which shows the presence of copper in it. 

This beautiful stone is formed inside of the volcanic cavities and due to the intense pressure on mineral rich fluid and with the collaboration of extensive heat of the core this stone is formed.  

History of Larimar:

In the year 1974 when the world was dealing with the oil crisis, this miraculous stone was discovered on the coasts of the Caribbean sea in the Dominican Republic. Miguel  Méndez and Norman Rilling were on the beach walking, it was when they stumbled upon a stone, but it wasn’t a normal one that Méndez stumbled upon, after checking it well they realised it was not something usual, the stone had baby blue colour and hypnotising patterns on it, which locked their eyes on the beauty of the stone. 

It didn’t took long enough, soon word about the spreaded among the people and they started to collect the stones from the beach and later there was not a single piece of stone left on the beach.  But Méndez was so dedicated about the stone as if knew what it’s worth was, he was not letting it go that easy, both Méndez and Rilling after days of struggle, challenges, and mining actually found the source of Larimar, which is the volcanic mountains.

Méndez and Rilling decided to take it to the next level after the discovery of the source, the stone was taken for necessary examinations so that it can get its worth as a precious gemstone. All those efforts which they had put together as Larimar became a gem  and will be used in jewellery. However soon because of its divine beauty Larimar became popular and got famous with sterling silver jewellery and was bought and manufactured all around the world.  

There was a myth associated with Larimar which was, according to a prediction by a famed psychic named  Edgar Cayce, he once said that sooner or later there will be a discovery of a mysterious healing stone blue in colour and this stone is linked with the lost city of Atlantis.  

Convalescence powers of Larimar:

On considering the healing abilities of the larimar, the presence of its vibrations, the person wearing it amplifies with its vibrations which supports mental, spiritual, physical, emotional and much more. Putting on Laminar helps the wearer to feel bold, confident about their looks and appearance as well as it also takes care of the chakra health of the wearer. 

Along with the chakra health Larimar also maintains the balance between throat, heart, third eye along with the crown chakras in balance. 

Any individual feeling stressed or getting exhausted since a period of time can switch to wearing Larimar jewelry having faith upon its healing powers. Although, above all those miraculous healings the most benefited is the throat chakra. On wearing the Larimar ring it sharpens the speech of the wearer, improving the person’s communication skills as in vocabulary skills, thought process, speech delivery, and much more, Larimar truly works like a miracle making life better and easier as well.     

However today a lot of people are in depression, trying to avoid life, trying to avoid people, stopped socialising due to some past trauma or considering any reason if the person is holding back cutting off all the social and emotional connections from the people or the person is bound to himself creating a social and emotional barrier around them like a wall so Larimar helps to shatter the wall, helping to rebound with people having social and emotional believes again. 

On the other hand Larimar has one more phenomenal healing property which is that it helps to heal disorders and phobias related to fear as in, fear of a particular thing or facing issues related to anger, it helps  to control anger gradually reducing it, making the person calm, making them feel relaxed, reducing frustration. With the direct contact of the body with the Larimar stone it spellbind your nerves to get a magical experience with all the benefits of Larimar.  

Pricing of the precious stone Larimar:

If any individual has come up with the decision of taking Larimar, the person should be aware of its price and value as well as must know how to care and handle it as it is a crucial decision. 

Being a precious one Larimar’s cost is dependent on three strategic factors for separating the more superior stones from the inferior stones. If we consider these major factors:

  • The colour as well as the texture of the stone, as in the darker the colour will be the more the cost will be high.  
  • It is also dependent on, of what size the stone is, the bigger the size of stone embedded in the jewellery the more the price will be. 
  • It is already known how prominent and precious the stone is, considering that the cut the finish and how the jewellery is being designed gives an impact on the price.

Considering all these points the best quality of Larimar jewellery costs between $10-$20 per gram, including only the weight of the stone. Also considering how remotely it is available it also increases its price just because of the involvement of numerous middle men. 


Larimar, a mystical stone which looks like just a beautiful outcome as if the sky and the ocean had an affair. This magical stone with all its magical healing properties . Giving the person the confidence they want, keeping it in your home at the right places attracts peace, happiness, joy as well as helps in  promotion of a joyful and healthy atmosphere.  If a person uses or is starting to use Larimar it will definitely make that person’s life happening. 

Author Details: 

This is Anil, I am a professional SEO Expert & Write for us technology blog and submit a guest post on different platforms- technootech provides a good opportunity for content writers to submit guest posts on our website. We frequently highlight and tend to showcase guests.

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