Opal Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties
Opal Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties

Opal Meaning, History, Origin, Healing benefits and Properties

Meaning of Opal

Opal also known as kaleidoscope of colours is a magnificent gemstone used in the jewelry which has various names according to its beautiful dazzling colours consisting of wonders of empyrean that indicates the variety of blues, vivid rainbow, sparkling fireworks, and lightning. 

The huge variety of variations this gem holds makes it a totally unique and one of  a kind gem and is loved by the people and highly used in jewelry making. This stone is considered to be the traditional birthstone for the people who are born in the month of october. 

However Opals are considered to be very pleasing in appearance and are craved by a lot of people, counting it in one of the most beautiful stones and loved so much in pendants, earrings, necklace, pendants, bracelets and rings but it comes with a flaw, these are the softest stones and require extra care and are difficult to maintain the shine. 

People used to believe and suppose that the red spots on the Opal are from ruby, the green is from emeralds and so on, it was because they had such a polychromatic finish and marvelous colours that they had a rich past. 

Opal’s gemology and origin:

The diversification of the colours which gives Opal its unique internal structure and magnificent appearance, the  mystical stone Opal consists of tiny silica spheres which are triage in such a way that they create a mystical play colour known as opalescence. 

In Opal the beautiful colours that are created depend upon the arrangement and the size of these silica spheres including the background colour as well as the transparency of the gem. 

The beautiful light structure or we can say opalescence is more elliptical is because of the interference of light which breaks into the spherical hues caused by the distance between each sphere of silica. The different and beautiful colours of opal depend upon how the silica spheres are packed together. 

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This beautiful stone represents each and every colour of the rainbow but the hues of green and blue are most common. This kaleidoscope has a diverse range of variety, each defining its own beauty. 

Opal jewelry is mostly used with 925 sterling silver for different types of jewelry. The refractive index of Opal is 1.37-1.47, which is because, how beautifully it creates a colourful rainbow when placed in direct light. It has mohs hardness of 5.5-6.0 making it one of the softest gemstones which indicates it needs extra care and should be handled properly.

Types of Opal Gemstone in Jewelry industry:

There is a huge variety of Opal depending on size, colour, shape, and structure, and have different impact on different types of opal jewelry:

Black Opal: 

  • This beautiful piece of stone is known for its dark grey to a blackish colour, this eye-catching gem is particularly found in Australia’s Lightning Ridge as well as Mintabie. 
  • As this stone has a deep dark colour which helps in the enhancement of reflection of beautiful colours which creates a memorable visual of colours.
  • These black opals are considered as a status, in black opal jewelry: a black opal ring or pendant is a classic statement.

Crystal Opal: 

  • Guessing by its name this stone is transparent and is famous for its the colours it exhibits a multilayered visual of colours a perfect symphony because of its transparency, this stone is rare to be found, the value of this fabulous stone depends on its transparent nature, how well it reflects the light. 
  • Crystal opal jewelry have such a modern touch in them crystal opal earrings, rings, and necklaces look lavashing.

White Opal:

  • The white opal refers to the white colour body of opal, although being white they still have a very strong play of the beautiful rainbow colours, but not as vibrant as black opal, still they are vibrant and beautiful.
  • Being so beautifully rare these white opals in jewelry making are mainly used in white opal pendants and white opal rings. 

Ethiopian Opal:

  • Guessing by its name this is basically referred to the stones which are from Ethiopia, usually referred to the crystal stones  which are slightly yellowish to orange in colour creating a beautiful collage of colours. These opals are hydrophane and are called by such names as jelly opal or water opal. 
  • These are the biggest Opal gemstones they are finely crafted in opal rings, necklaces, and earrings as well this shows this european opal jewelry is one of a kind.

Mexican Fire Opal: 

  • This stone is famous for its orange body colour, these particular stones are a little different, the play of colours in this particular stone is either very little or there is no play. The best mexican fire opal has blue and green that flashes through the orange body of the stone.
  • Fire opals are so bold that magnificent that they are used in opal bracelet jewelry and opal earrings which gives a fiery and bold look to the person’s personality. 

Boulder opal:

  • In this type of opal gemstones, opal material still incorporates or is infused with some of its surrounding material. Mostly this gemstone is found in Australia, it has a dark brown shade and is known as dark brown ironstone, they have a mix of bright colour against the natural rock matrix. 
  • Boulder opal jewelry is idealistic for people with artistic taste, boulder opal bracelet and boulder opal earrings are an exclusive option. 

History and folklore of Opal:

Opal has such a rich and great history which has interviewed legends and beliefs of the people has shaped opal’s significance. If we try to recall the time and try to figure out the first opals ever used by humans were during 4000 BC, these artefacts were found in Kenya in the year 1939 in an ancient artifact cave.

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Opal has got some lovely poetic names by the artists of that time such as Pandora, Empress, and Light of the World.  During the period of ancient Greece, Opal was referred to as the stone of foresight as well as prophecy.  It was also believed that this stone can give a glimpse to the future. 

Coming to the middle ages, people used to believe wearing opal jewelry could provide the person wearing it with great luck as it has  vibrant colour present on them. During the medieval period opal was the most loved stones by the thieves  as it was said that wrapping a bay leaf around opal can grant them invisibility.  

Taking a look at the roman culture, the romans used to believe opal gemstone is a symbol of purity, and aspiration, it was connected to positive virtues. It was also believed that opal gemstone provide protection and also have healing properties. It was also said to guard against disease and also enhances the wearer’s eyesight. 

Considering some other cultures, which tell us that opal gemstone have supernatural powers and origin.  If we talk about the Arabic legends which tells us that opal has fallen from the heaven by the gods in the lightning form. The ancient Greeks also believed that the one who wears the opal also receives the gift of divination. 

“Aurora Australis” the biggest opal of all time, in the year 1938 it was found in Australia’s Lightning Ridge. It is famous for its rarity and how extraordinarily diversifying colours it has. Being the largest opal  its weight was 180 carats which is about 36 grams, it was measured about 3×1.8 inches.

Opal jewelry healing benefits and properties:

Wearing opal jewelry promotes calmness: 

Since the history received opal it is said to promote calmness by relaxing the person’s mind reducing anxiety. This promotes more clear thinking ability and helps in better direction of energy.

It also pulls away negative thoughts of the person, helping in the healing of emotional breakdowns reducing mental stress. 

Stimulates creativity:

Artists or people who want to engage in any artistic activity, opal is very useful in that it stimulates the person’s venus(planet) which is responsible for creativity and innovation. 

People who have an interest in arts, such as music, dance, theater, painting must have opal gemstone jewelry for the stimulation of their artistic talents, or people who have trouble presenting their talents can use opal.

Opal jewelry as a protecting stone:

Wearing opal jewelry makes a shield around the wearer which protects them from negativity, it is believed that opal acts as a barrier between the wearer and others with negative energy.

It also keeps the person’s vibe positive so no negative energy could impact them or their positive aura.

Financial benefits of Opal:

Opal is believed to stimulate the planet venus, venus is the planet associated with luxury, love, creativity. The stone is believed to be the prime healer of people who want to pursue creative fields. 

The people who are unable to manage their money, using opal jewelry can help with both financial (money managing) and social life too.

Stimulates health or health related problems:

If we discuss opal’s healing properties it treats liver, renal and hormonal diseases. For people with issues like insomnia or other psychological issues and sleep disturbances can use opal jewelry.

Opal is also said to heal eye related conditions, such as vision problems and various other issues related to the eye. 


Opal gemstone a beloved gemstone since mediaeval period and even before that, opal became the symbol of purity and hope. Since the past it has been believed that opal can balance love life, boost up confidence, as well as grow and stimulate your artistic skills. Having such benefits of wearing opal jewelry is really a precious gift of nature. Opal is a gemstone known to help people with gastrointestinal track diseases as well as with mental issues related to sleep like insomnia. It is also known to boost up confidence. In all opal is a jewelry worth wearing. Opal comes in different varieties of stones and in different varieties of jewelry like opal rings, opal earrings, opal necklace, opal pendant, opal bangles, and so forth.

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